In April, we ran the post below: The Game of Clue - Politics in Delaware Version. It's been a couple months, but we finally know who made it out alive and who didn't:
Who was Mr. Boddy? Chip Flowers, of course.
The Who and How? Markell in the basement with a Benner.
Who'd a thunk it?
Next time you're invited to Woodburn for a dinner party, pull a Jennings and decline!
I'll take Jennings in Woodburn's cellar operating suite with a syringe of glove cleaner...
The Game - Clue, The Delaware Way Version
In 1944, Englishman Anthony Pratt filed a patent on a murder/mystery game he had invented to pass the time during air raid drills in underground bunkers Though it was quickly acquired by Waddington's, the game was not launched until 1949 when it was simultaneously released in the U.S. by Parker Brothers. Notably, the version that reached publication included 324 possible combinations of room/weapon/offender.
The Setting - Woodburn, the Governor's Mansion where a select few have been brought together to hash out Delaware's political future over a dinner of stewed poultry and rare local cheeses courtesy Roos Foods. Desserts to be supplied by Serpe's Bakery.
It should be noted that Woodburn's residents share their home with several benevolent spirits and one particularly evil manifestation - the ghost of a southern slave raider who died while hiding in a poplar tree that still graces Woodburn today.
The Rooms -
The Weapons - A Candelstick, Knife, Revolver, Syringe, Wrench, and Lead Pipe.
The Players -
Current AG. Beau Biden, a man with a mysterious medical
Mysterious Illness? Maybe... |
condition whose silence has sparked the ire of the local newspaper and a handful of Republicans. As the son of the current Vice President of the United States, he has recently announced that he will not seek another another term as State Attorney General. He's eying Governorship and has made the critical decision not to use an elected position as a springboard for his gubernatorial aspirations. Despite the unexplained lesions in his brain, he continues to be revered as Delaware's Golden Boy.
Lt. Gov. Matt Denn, rode the coattails of "change agent" Jack Markell into an office view of The Green. The two-term shadow
Out of the Shadows, Education Advocate |
of the Del Dem Markell, he had already mounted a quiet campaign for Governor in 2016, the heir apparent to the term-limit-bound Markell.. The surprising announcement that our Golden Boy is not seeking another four years as A.G. has derailed Denn's presumed candidacy. Potentially fearing another debilitating primary, the Democratic Party breathed a little easier Monday morning when Denn announced he would not seek the Governorship after all. He has filed for the Attorney General's race instead.
Gov. Turned Kids into Rats | | |
When Governor Jack Markell campaigned for "change" seven years ago, his successful primary split the Democratic Party wide open and has nursed a rift that continues through this day. He has strayed from his public platform and sold much of the state to the rascals that control the Star Chamber of Commerce and out-of-state investors. Under Markell's reign, the Great Recession has taken hold in Delaware and the middle class has been decimated. Though no one group has offered a vote of no confidence in this politician, it is widely hoped that the outgoing governor will receive his due political appointment in Washington D.C. essentially sending him packing.
Respectable Attorney |
Kathleen Jennings, a prosecutorial star and a Biden insider, knew that Beau was withdrawing from the AG's race before the public did. Known both for her masterful prosecution of a former Delaware serial killer, and her swinging door at the AG's office (she's an on-again/off-again state employee when not in private practice) rumors are on the upswing that she'll rival Denn in a primary for the AG seat.
Flowers in Alaska |
Chip Flowers, a political dote who has crafted a hate-love/love-hate relationship with his electorate, is eying what? Well, it's hard to say with Chip. He crafted his political status as a commentator on PBS, back when PBS had a mild interest in Delaware and gained enough name recognition to find himself elected as State Treasurer - a position once held by Gov. Markell. However, Chip's time in office has been bizarre. We've seen the powers of the office restricted since Flowers planted his roots. Which is hard to do - root-planting - when one spends as much time traveling out-of-state as he does.
I'm You! |
Christine-I-AM-NOT-A-Witch O'Donnell, more affectionately known to Delawareans as COD, deserves to join the Clue Murder/Mystery Party for no other reason than her notoriety as the tea-party celebrate who single-handedly took down Delaware's Republican Party, ensuring that the state's only previously held Republican seat among our D.C. delegation, represented for nine terms by Mike Castle, went to Democrat Chris Coons. She's no golden girl, but the Dems owe COD a wealth of gratitude. And with unpredictability her modus operandi, it's a given that COD will somehow wiggle her way into the political fray come campaign season.
With Countless Possibilities, Who killed Mr. Boddy? Will Boddy be the only victim? Who will survive dinner with Jack? Who will make it out alive? And who will leave without a raging case of listeria?
Yep, I call Jennings in the cellar with a syringe.
Now, it's your turn to play.