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Eight homes were found deficient in having consistent fire drills. Seven homes were found deficient in having complete first aid kits.Five homes had multiple throw rugs that had no anti-slip coating on the back. Four homes had medication not appropriately secured. Three homes had expired fire extinguishers. Three homes had items within three feet of the hot water heater which is a fire hazard. Two homes had staff who did not know how to use the organization wide fire control system (one of them was the house manager). In both cases. neither home had the key to turn off the alarm once it was activated. Staff had to go to another house or the day program to obtain it.
Overview of Bellwether licensure reports on the 14 homes with provisional licenses 14 group homes were surveyed as follow up to provisional findings in licensure. All 14 homes submitted Plans of Correction (POC) prior to the observation visit. Of the 14 POCs submitted, 13 homes were found to have at least one instance in which something the POC stated as being taken care of had not, in fact, been taken care of. All 14 homes received notations of items that were repeat deficiencies. In four instances, repeat deficiencies were marked as “Two-time repeat deficiencies”. Notably: 13 homes had repeat deficiencies in Physician Orders not being followed; 13 homes had repeat deficiencies in Behavior Support Plan (BSP) implementation and tracking; 11 homes had repeat deficiencies in documentation of incidents in Therap(y); 11 homes had repeat deficiencies in training documentation; 10 homes had repeat deficiencies in correct completion of the Medication Administration Record (MAR); and 10 homes had repeat deficiencies in issues regarding the physical plant of the home.So what does all the gobblygook mean?
Other areas of repeat deficiencies found in multiple houses include completion of the critical incident log (six), completion of the emergency evacuation plan (EEP) (six), medical documentation (six), documentation of fire drills (three) and records storage (two) https://www.state.nj.us/humanservices/news/reports/BBH-Independent-Monitor-Report.pdf
As part of this review, a simple trend analysis of DHS’ licensure reports for Bellwether from 2016, 2017 and 2018 was conducted. The following trends were identified. Although some work has been completed to improve conditions in homes (basic cleaning services, food labeling and completing maintenance orders) the analysis identified the following areas still need continued improvement: