I've received an abundance of emails and letters from students, teachers, and alumni, of the Christina School District in the last 10 days, all showing support for our current Glasgow community. I'd like to share one - because the author also sent it to the News Journal for publication in today's edition: http://www.delawareonline.com/article/20110419/OPINION10/104190315/1111/-Reform-taking-its-toll-teachers-students
On a personal note, Thank You, Ashley, for speaking up. Board members are here to listen and voices are meant to be heard.
'Reform' taking its toll on teachers and students
12:16 AM, Apr. 19, 2011
Letters to the Editor
As a senior at Glasgow High School, I am enraged by the transformations occurring as a part of the Partnership School Zone. The teaching staff at Glasgow as a whole is wonderful. Of course, there are always a few bad apples, but most really care about the students.
The vote by the Christina School District board was for transformation, meaning that the staff would not lose their jobs, but instead, they have been forced to transfer or sign two-year contracts. It's upsetting to see teachers who have spent 20 years working at Glasgow in tears because they were not offered a position here. There is no rhyme or reason to the madness.
Students also have found themselves hysterical to learn that veteran teachers will no longer be a part of the Dragon Family. Where is the accountability for the students who choose not to attend class or continuously cause disruptions? Where is the recognition for students taking Advanced Placement and honors classes who have gotten reference letters and guidance from these teachers, who have treated us like their own children? There are plenty of good students at Glasgow who have outstanding educators preparing them for college and the real world.
Ashley Green, Newark
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