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Gateway Lab School - We are not REACH, MOYER, PENCADER. etc.
Category: 3 comments


Nancy Willing said...

I heard you on WDEL yesterday and tracked down this link. Kevin also covered the issue on Exceptional Delaware. Can we get anyone in power to pay attention to the fundamental question of why Delaware is holding special needs humans to the standard for all?

Unknown said...

It's all about greed and power!

Anonymous said...

A father of one of the students at Gateway has emailed me several times asking what he and the parents of Gateway can do. I've given him several ideas, but I fear they will be for naught, as so many other issues in this state are virtually ignored by the power players. These "futurists" as I like to call them think they can predict schools in 10 years, and they "map back" from that point. But if you aren't looking at the here and now, then there is no future. These are savvy players, at the top of their game. Which is why we, as parents and educators, need to become just as savvy. Not with the same actions, but with our hearts. We need to get out there and make our voice heard. And we need to organize. Now is the time, before more is taken away.

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