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Former CHRISTINA RTTTer Kate Villari Gets a New Job in DeDOE:

Katherine Villari, Acting Chief Officer, Delivery Unit, effective January 1, 2014
 Hey Darryl Scott -
You really want her working in DOE?  Isn't she as tainted as Mr. Young?
Get off the sand bags Larry, Darryl and Darryl, and get into the flood with your former colleagues - the ones who actually care about public education!

Rather Appropo!
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Girl Scout Cookie Time!

Category: 8 comments

It's Time for Mid-Winter Nap

You've probably noticed - the huge decrease in new posts...

The Good News:  I've gone back to work!  And in the field I love most - education.
(Please no comments, I'm not pandering for attention.)

The Sad News:  My new job has me so busy that I can't keep up.

It's been a good run, five or so years strong.  We've generated more than 165,000 hits . And while that number can't compete with Transparent Christina or Kilroy's Delaware, it's still a respectable showing. And of course, blogging has never been about competition - it's about telling the story - the whole story - usually with the help of fellow bloggers.  We've certainly attained that goal. 

No, Children & Educators 1st is not going away.  But, we are going dormant. It's time for a long mid-winter's nap.  With any luck, we'll see you in the spring.

Sweet Dreams!

Category: 3 comments