News journal reports that DOE has 250 employees...
There's your top-heavy administrative dollars at work. That's an easy 20 million tied up in salaries alone. Want to close Christina's operational deficit? Cut some human capital out of DOE and send those dollars to the districts.
What a sad statement - buried in an article about p cards and fast food.
Trump’s Shameless DEI Hoax
53 minutes ago
What does "Business" do when they have to get work done but do not have enough money to hire new employees? They pay overtime to qualified employees that they already have on staff to do specific assignments in a specific time frame thus saving the cost of hiring more employees. If we had smarter management both local and at Dover many duties, reports searches for new texts and methods could be jobbed out to task forces of current district employees on an overtime basis and completed as needed. We always hear that they want to run our government more like a sucessful business but all we see is administrative bloat.
Rep. Jaques called you and your children failures today for opting out.
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