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Thinking about driving? Stay Home!

I left this comment on Kilroy's this morning,, in response the story of neighborhood kid who was getting a guilt trip from her boss about coming to work in a Level 1 State of Emergency. 

I tell this story every year. No, I don't want pity.  I want to know that at the end of the day, however many hours that day may be, that my husband will make it safely home to our family.  There are countless families like mine.  Please, think first, drive last.

"I guess being on hand to tell the customers who didn't prepare that the store is all sold out of ice melt and shovels is essential business... Stay home, honey. 
My husband is a true essential employee.  He directs environmental services in a nursing home - a care facility that must run 24/7/365.  He drove up to Wilmington two days ago to drop off our little car and borrow his father's 30 year old suburban.  Then he hit the grocery stores, BJ's, the Tractor Supply store, checked the snow blower, ran the generator, and surprised me with a little electric heater to plug into the generator should we loose heat. This morning he packed up the shovels and melt into the suburban and by 6 am was making the slow trek into work where he'll run the laundry and address the snow/ice/salt being trekked into the building by other essential personnel.  He'll probably stay the night b/c the City of Wilmington is notorious for its failure to plow their own roads keeping his small team of employees from being able to make it into the facility. (Actually, the City's weather response failures hurt every department in the facility ensuring that nurses, dietary, and maintenance work forces are understaffed during every snow/ice event.)

Yep, stay home, kid.  Stay off the roads!  Keep them clear for DelDot, for first responders, and for essential employees who have to travel them. 

Stay Home! Sleep in. Go sledding.  Be a kid."
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