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CSD's Other School Board Race

Nominating District "F" - Term expires June 30, 2021
Elizabeth C. Paige (2-25-16)
Desiree Brady (3-4-16)

I am not going to speak nearly as passionately on this blogpost as I did the last. Back in 2011, incumbent board member, Gina Backus, won her seat by just 2 votes over Joe O'Leary Jr.  Three years later, Gina had relocated out of Delaware and CSD picked up Appointee Elizabeth Paige who went onto win the seat, unopposed, for the duration of Backus' term ending in June 30, 2016.  I'm not richly involved in Paige's politics. But, from my parental vantage point, she often seems on point and well-researched. 
This time around, Paige as an opponent, Desiree Brady. The internet is weak on Brady's background. In fact, I could learn a helluva lot more about Gayle George than I could Desiree Brady.  But, that might bode well for Brady.  I've read enough to know that she's an early childhood educator from outside the district.  If she can create a public profile that appeals to voters and if she has that secret sauce that the more socially adept enjoy (I'm not sauced), she just might find herself cutting into Paige's lead which includes the respect of several well-liked local legislators. 
This will be an interesting race to watch.  Will Brady mount a campaign? or will she become another name only candidate who graces the ballot but not the dais? As have so many who've come before her.  
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