By Elizabeth Scheinberg
In 1979, the State of Delaware division of Social Services jointly with the Attorney's General's office delved into an eight month investigation of Au Clair culminating with the refusal to renew the school's license.
The News Journal obtained a copy of the report through FOIA and began its own investigation culminating in a five-day series beginning on July 21, 1979, that told a very different story of Au Clair. On that day, the Journal deemed their findings "the other Au Clair stories, ones not yet told by TV Shows, national newspapers and magazines that made much of the heartwarming tale of the little school and the dreams a horse made come true." These were the tales of beatings, dunkings, and whippings by riding crop. Current and past staffers called the role of the horses in the stables nothing more than farce. There were, they said, maybe one or two children who were ever allowed to care for the horses.
Had it all been just a faƧade? It appeared that the Gingerbread House had begun to crumble.
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