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Au Clair/AdvoServ-Bell Weather Takes Another Life

William James Lamson passed away March 1st, 2018 after Bell Weather staff insisted he self-injured himself - slamming his head into the floor until he was dead. It truly is as ludicrous an explanation as one can get.

The most glaring problem with the initial accounting of William's death was that there was no blood, nor did William have any signs of head trauma such as the kind one would receive when pounding the back of their skull repeatedly against a hard floor.  If he hit his head hard enough to kill himself, certainly the coroner would have found evidence of head trauma...

Several years ago, while member of our local board of education, I was struck by the trauma that families undergo when they loose their child.  It became the tradition of my previous blog Children and Educators First to post a particular song whenever a life was lost.  That song, Firefly, was the favorite song of the very first student I lost.  

Tonight, I dedicate it to Willie Lamson, taken from this world all too soon.  This song is for you and those who loved you and have been left behind. 

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