In lieu of the existence of a Sarcasm Font, be forewarned that my words are dripping with tongue-in-cheek Sarcasm.
I've solved the transportation dilemma. The state via DOE wants local districts to pick up 25% of the cost of transporting students to schools. I can see their logic - The state's budget gets balanced without a tax increase while forcing districts to either go to referendum or increase the match tax. Either way, there is a tax increase, but the state comes out shining while homeowners cry foul at their local school boards.
So how do cash-strapped locals pick up the cost? We solve the childhood obesity problem.
Let it be decreed that the Gov. shall enact a new physical fitness program and every bus-riding child must walk 25% of their route to school. Perhaps, we can get a local hospital system to donate some pedometers, so our students can tally their steps toward earning PBS awards! At 1 million steps, they can "buy" a bike! Can you imagine students using classroom math in real life situations? Now, that's a reinforcer!
Of course, if you are a city kid attending high school in the burbs, as most are (the exception being Sarah Pyle students) we'll pick you up on I-95. Watch out for those speeding tractor trailers and their sleepy drivers! If you're lucky, some well-meaning sap will pull over and offer you a ride. If you write a report about your good Samaritan, you'll earn extra credit in English/Language arts. Oh, the dedication and stamina we could cultivate in our students. A culture of true dedication thanks to the thoughtful intuitiveness of our Gov. and DOE.
But, the real boon to this approach is that once the Gov and DOE get tired of the inevitable flood of parental complaints, the state may actually fund a CSD Charter High School in the City of Wilmington, completing Delaware's ultimate agenda of re-segregation. Yes, that would cement Jack Markell as the Education and Transportation Governor.
Then in keeping with Race to the Top, the Gov. could end Christina's 30 year hold on its portion of the city and turn it over to Mayor of Wilmington, adopting US Sec. of Ed, Arne Duncun's, vision of mayoral control as education reform. It worked so well in Chicago, we should be honored with this grand opportunity to be education visionaries.
It's a win-win all the way around!
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