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Conflict of Interest: Head of DOE Charter Office to Serve as Charter Hearing Officer???

From Kilroy's:

In a letter to Reach Academy, Dep. Sec. of Education Dan Cruce states that John Carwell, the head of the DOE Charter School Accountibility Committee will be their hearing officer.  John Carwell heads the committee that recommended closing the school. 

How can John Carwell be a non-partison player in a hearing that his committee set in motion when it recommended closing the school?

Gov Markell,
How will you ensure that Reach and Pencader receive fair hearings when DOE is stacking the deck with biased officers???

DE Legislators,
What will you do to ensure fairness and integrity is inflicted into these Charter processes?  Background checks is barely a start? How about ensuring the Department of Education follows the laws you pass? 

Remember the voters today, because they will remember you in November...


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