Well, here we are, celebrating Independence Day, freedom, and democracy. But, as we attend our barbeques and fireworks, I think it's important to point out that not every deserving Delawarean is free today -- students and families at two of Delaware's charter schools have been taken hostage by the Gov and the DOE.
Gov. Markell will not share when he plans to sign the latest charter legislation. His press office has already confirmed that when he does, it will not be a Pencader Charter High School, although that community has generously invited him to return to the school where, just over a year ago, he was a guest a speaker at its graduation. In fact, intel from teh Gov's office indicates that he will not sign this vital piece of legislation until after the State Board of Education votes on the futures of Reach and Pencader.
Here's the reality - the intention of the original financial legislation sum years back was to include Charter schools as elsewhere in Delaware law, code, and regulations, charter schools are determined to be disticts unto themselves. Now, some crooked kink is using the lack of foresight of many to indicate that without the newest legislation, Pencader and Reach are not eligible for the same safeguards offered Christina when it had its own financial meltdown. DOE refuses to respond to contituents regarding this issue. I know many at Pencader have asked the question - could implementing the finance recovery team allow for their school to continue operating?
The real raw deal is this: When Christina was ripped off, the legislature acted quickly to enact the recovery team legislation because Christina was too big to fail, it was signed just as quickly by the state's governor to enable a loan to flow into Christina's coffers so that all due pay received it. Just as today's bill was written as a reactive measure, so it was five years ago. The difference is that this Gov. is hiding from his constituents because apparently, EVERYONE IS EQUAL, SOME ARE JUST MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS. Charter students simple do not have the same right to their education as district students. That's hostage-taking. And that's the Democratic Word of the Day.
Trump’s Shameless DEI Hoax
59 minutes ago
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