Find the latest update on the signing of HB 205 here: Markell Spokesperson also confirms that 205 likely won't help Pencader or Reach. Wonder if its sponsors knew that?
The whole state is waiting for the Gov to sign 205 and effect the legislation to provide safeguards for Charter Schools. What's the hold up, Gov? Our legislators passed it in breakneck speed. Can't you find a pen?
Here, borrow one of mine:
Conspiracy Theory # 1: With three new charters slated to open in 2011-12, Aspira, First Responders, and Gateway, it could be an assumption that the develoers of one of these schools would not pass the background check and the Gov. is covering for him/her. Is that it, Gov?
Your silence speaks volumes.
What's your conspiracy theory? Share with us at C&E 1st.
Trump’s Shameless DEI Hoax
49 minutes ago
Just stumbled across this very interesting article!
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