By Elizabeth Scheinberg
What would a nursing home look like if you applied the same standards to healthcare that the state has now applied to AYP? Only 49-50 percent of the residents would be required to receive "proficient" care - no bed sores, working wheelchairs, functional respiratory devices, nutritious meals, baths, freedom from med errors. God, you better hope to be in the 50 percent of haves. Because life would be hell for the have-nots. And yet, the home would still have a superior rating and a body count! Coveted 5 stars, well if it was education it would be the coveted 3 stars.
BTW - it is nearly impossible to receive the 5 star Medicaid rating. Only 1-2 long-term care facilities in the state of Delaware have achieved that rating and maintained it since the system was implemented. But, hey, we're celebrating huge AYP gains across the state b/c only half of our students were required to be proficient in order to achieve AYP. Come on! 30+ schools failed to meet fed. minimums and yet they are rated Superior???
Yeah? and in the real world, if only half the residents in a nursing home received genuine, competent care, the facility wouldn't be rated Superior, THE PUBLIC, STATE, LEGISLATORS, and GOVERNOR WOULD DEMAND THAT THE FACILITY BE CLOSED and Dir. of Nursing and Medical Director WOULD BE JAILED! IMPRISONED! LOCK THE DOOR, THROW AWAY THE KEY! (seriously, not kidding.)
What hell is wrong with this picture?
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Thanks for your comments, they are right on the money. You talk about cooking the books, this hurts our children, those who have lowered the height of the basket rim from 10' to 5' have no shame. Why don't the Superintendents speak out about this outrages scheme? Why don't the school boards speak out? Where are the parents whose children are being left behind? Thanks again for your courage to speak out.
Elizabeth is ON FIRE!
Well, now we know what happened to the five star rating system on the school profile pages! By changing the rating system, DOE has invalidated whole histories of success and failure b/c parents cannot easily determine whether the school they are choosing for their student has a culture of achievement or has the school just benefitted from the state's gaming of the system.
You are right, I am on fire. Red Hot Angry b/c we are just cookin' the achievement books.
Now tell me, if the measure of a superior builder is that 50 percent of his buildings didn't fall down, would you hire him to build your house?
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