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From: <Secretary.Lowery@doe.k12.de.us>
Date: Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 12:04 PM
Subject: Message from Secretary Lowery
Dear Colleagues,
First, let me thank you for your patience. I know many of you have felt angst surrounding the uncertainty and confusion around how Component 5 (Student Growth) would be measured on your evaluations during this development year. I want to thank the many of you who have shared your concerns with me, the Governor, legislators, district leaders and union representatives. Your voices were heard and appreciated, and we've continued to make changes because of the insights and suggestions you have shared. It is because of your dedication and assistance that with the agreement of DSEA leadership, we have reached a final policy for this year, one we can all point to as fair and focused. I will outline it further below.
I also want to thank the more than 400 teachers from across the state who have been joining us in Dover over the past few months to develop multiple measures across content areas and grades. You know the best ways to assess your students when they enter your classrooms and throughout the year, and many of you have been using these measures in your work for years. The reason our state's system will be strong next year is because of these measures, developed by our teachers and validated by national experts on our technical advisory committee.
With that work continuing through the coming months, we still must have a fair plan for this year's evaluations. With the help of your union leaders, we have finalized this year's policy:
For the 2011/12 school year, educator summative ratings will be determined without use of Component V except as used to identify highly effective teachers, as noted below. Using Components I - IV, an educator's summative rating will be determined as follows:
o 0 or 1 satisfactory components = Ineffective summative rating
o 2 satisfactory components = Needs Improvement summative rating
o 3 or 4 satisfactory components = Effective summative rating
Only teachers of DCAS-tested subjects (math, English Language Arts in grades 3-10) will receive a Component V score for this year. They will be eligible for a Highly Effective summative rating and therefore eligible for incentive and retention bonuses. Details on the incentive/retention program will be finalized and announced this spring and will be voluntary at the local level.
Thank you again for your patience and assistance in this work. I look forward to continuing to hear from you and working with you as we move forward together on this and other work with the shared ultimate goal in mind: a stronger school system for our children. Like all of our work, this begins and ends with the students. I know you share that motivation with me, and I thank you for your dedication to our students.
If you have any questions or would like more information on this change, please contact Deputy Secretary of Education and Chief of Staff Dan Cruce at dcruce@doe.k12.de.us.
Lillian M. Lowery
Secretary of Education
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thx, will get my VT in order immediately, gotta get out of Wlimo, and ELA!
"one we can all point to as fair and focused." um, no Lillian, one YOU and Jack can point to.....not us.
I thought the same thing when reading this when I received it. Thanks for highlighting, Elizabeth!
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