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Really? Toilet Paper? Maybe it's defective!

From the NJ:

— An eastern Pennsylvania high school says vandalism forced it to create a policy in which toilet paper has been taken out of the boys' bathrooms.
Boys at Mahanoy Area High School now must go to the school office to request toilet paper and sign it out. Principal Thomas Smith says that's helped solve a major problem of intentionally clogging toilets that's been going on for two years.

Smith says boys must sign out the toilet paper and then sign it back in. But the Republican-Herald of Pottsville reports some parents are protesting the policy.

Toilet Paper??? Some PROTESTING PARENTS need to pack a roll or two in their kids backpack!

Maybe it's not the kids - maybe it's defective toilet paper???  Never heard of defective toilet paper?  Well, the University of Colorado has.  They are suing a toilet paper manufacturer.

Category: 4 comments


KilroysDelaware said...

what next, pencil sharpener with a slot for 10 cents?

Anonymous said...

what would you suggest in instances where plumbing is being intentionally clogged over and over, resulting in significant repair costs?

Elizabeth Scheinberg said...

Keys and locks.

Parceling out toilet paper is entirely too personal and embarrassing for children.

I'd rather see locked restrooms and teachers who utilize a pass with a key attached. The student should be required to sign out the pass, thus tracking who is using which restroom where in a building.

I think that's a lot less offensive than doling out the TP.

Anonymous said...

I know if my son has to use the bathroom and he can't make it in time because he has to go to the office and sign out the toilet paper I would be suing the s*** out of the school

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