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Bancroft Elementary School in Line for a Cool New Addition - doesn't cost DE tax payers a dime, either

I'd like to go backwards to a time when schools were the heart of a community - a status that was slowly eroding during my own childhood.  And that's why I am so excited by an awesome new addition coming to Bancroft Elementary School in the Christina School District.   In reality, we know our schools have always worked to be the heart of their communities, while silmutanteously losing ground  (and receiving far less funding and acknowledgement than they have certainly earned) during an explosion of poverty, re-seg, and politicking. 

And that's why I am thrilled for Bancroft and our CSD children served therein and nearby:


The gyms will be different for each school. At Bancroft, students will have traditional cardio equipment but also Nintendo Wiis and “Dance Dance Revolution” consoles, video games where students move their bodies to play. At A.I and McCullough, the gyms will include cardio machines, such as stationary bikes, and weightlifting equipment.
To earn the gyms, schools had to submit applications to the foundations detailing their fitness and nutrition efforts. A panel then determined which campuses should receive the gyms.
The group rewards schools in four states every year, putting gyms in three schools in each state.    More here:
That's right, Bancroft and two other Delaware schools are about to be the recipients of $100,000 fitness centers - each!  And these are not your run-of-the-mill gyms - the fitness centers are both health and sensory-oriented and planned with a "hook" that will entice our children to enjoy exercise, and reward them for work well-done, even when it's anything but a preferential task!

Go Bancroft!

And on a separate note - if our business community wants to learn how they can be an asset to education rather than a dictator - endeavours such as the one above are additive to education rather than demoralizing to the communities. And this is precisely where Jack, Rodel, and Company should put their billions - into initiatives that turn students, parents, teachers, and communities on to education. 
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