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Kavips Nails It - Why Locally-Grown Charters Might Want to Be Wary of HB 165

We've said it before, and we'll say it again - We're pro-charter with a purpose.  We're also pro-great legislation that works for all kids.  HB 165 is NOT great legislation - it's not even good... And it's not some marvelous compromise bill - it's weak, biased, and filled with gaps that will allow for funding and policy to be politically manipulated by the hands that don't belong in the pot.

Shout out to Kavips for offering a thoughtful discourse on the impact of HB 165 on locally-grown Delaware charter start-ups.  See, there's a charter upside to this bill - but there's also a charter downside...

From Kavips:  More at:
We often talk of charter versus public.  We’ve never even once talked about new charter schools wiping out existing charter schools.   It would be one thing if the new charter conglomerate were to do so, with the expense of loan repayments at least evening out the playing field for the small school competing with it.  But to give the big megalithic charter a free building, free start up costs, all out of taxpayers dollars when there are banks lined up to loan money,… is simply unfair.
The referee (Markell, Rodel, DOE, charter lobbyists, Jacques) in the match, is blowing the whistle for only one side…
This though unfair, happens a lot in government.  Quite often laws are put in place by who you know, and how much you get for your vote.  The only way justice gets done, is when those with a backbone of courage, step up and say “no”…
9 did in the House and 31 didn’t.  But we know far less about the damage this bill would do then, than we do now.
It is a terrible state of affairs when a legislator will give a corporate megalith the  unfair advantage  over a religious or non-profit organization.  It is sickening … really.
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