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Sec. Murphy Threatens that Reach Lawsuit Could Bring Down US DOE!

Under Lillian Lowery, DOE failed to close Reach.  Now, under the direction of Markell's water boy, Sec. of Education Murphy, DOE has again failed to shutter the only public school in our state that serves girls and only girls.

The department just can't learn - which is mildly ironic as DOE claims Reach's students aren't being taught.  Regardless, buried in the briefings filed just days before federal Judge Leonard P. Stark gave Reach another year to operate, the department stayed true to form when it slipped in the following Bully Card:

The court’s final ruling could be significant beyond Delaware. The Delaware Department of Education noted in a Dec. 30 court filing that a ruling in Reach’s favor “rendering this federal regulation facially unconstitutional would greatly affect the interests of the United States Department of Education. In addition to there being no support for such a ruling, it is questionable that the Court should do so without participation of the U.S. DOE in this suit.”
Reread the graf above!

Oh! yes, they did. DOE's legal eagles asserted that if Judge Stark found for Reach that:

  1.  The federal regulation that gives the DOE the ability to close schools would be declared unconstitutional, 
  2.  The ruling would "greatly affect the interests of the" US DOE,
  3.  The court really shouldn't rule without the participation of the US DOE. 
Yep, our little DOE actually thought that its status quo attack method of bullying would work on the US federal court. 

They just can't learn.

Hat's off to Reach for virtually rendering DOE's precious high stakes tests meaningless.  And thank you to Judge Stark who did not crumble despite the threats that he was undoing all of democracy. 

Category: 2 comments


Anonymous said...

fear mongering is a mainstay tactic of Markell administration. Ironically, the dissolution of the USDOE would be a boon to children everywhere!

Unknown said...

Great post, kids counseling

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