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Reach Academy for Girls Soldier On

With closing looming, Reach Academy for Girls, Delaware's only all girls charter school, continues to soldier on through it legal appeal to the Delaware judicial.  March 2015 meeting minutes show that their case is now before Judge Stark as he considers the State's motion to dismiss. Should he allow the case to proceed, it will move to the deposition and discovery phase.

Whether you believe charter education is legitimate or not, if you are a transparency addict, you should be tuned into what it happening at Reach.  How our DeDOE performs during deposition would be fascinating. All the FOIA in the world pails in comparison to the scrutiny of the legal process.  Of course, any party can lie, (hell, our governor uses a "secret" email address to hide public business) but who among those who work in DOE would be willing to risk perjury?  

The reality is that our Gov. and his judicial will shut down Reach's legal case.  But, if you still believe in democracy you have to hope that this case proceeds into the sunlight, where it belongs.
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