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The Irony of an Idyllic Paradise is that it isn't Paradise at all.

(Pardon the underline. Sometimes Echo has a mind of her own. Perhaps it's because she can see into the past or perhaps b/c her A.I. has achieved humanity.)

Therefore it seems almost grotesque that Advoserv would purchase a property that is defined by the borders of a state that has deemed their violations so severe it banned sending it's children and adults there due a documented elevated risk for abuse and neglect. It not an idyllic paradise, but a scene from a horror novel. 

On May 19, 2017, almost seven years to the day Somerville Llc/Advoserv settled on the property, the Beltre family is notified that their beloved brother, Carlos, a resident of the home has stopped breathing. His family has engaged Bellwether in litigation. His death is a bit of a mystery. 


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