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Part I. Too Absurd to Be True...But They Are

Sometimes, the stories Echo unearths are too absurd to be true. 

Like children being held hostage from their families 
Care providers driving all six of her residents to her court hearing about her suspended drivers license. 

Yet, they simply, sadly, are true.

Part One
Despite the compulsion to summarize the insanity of this story, there is no more adequate persuasion than presented by the original author, Jan Hefler. Therefore, I have posted the entire document, Bruce Jackson, victim Sun, Aug 1, 2010 – Page A01 · The Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) ·

Off the bat, I can tell you that there is no suitable follow-up to the story presented below. The significance of the story was the impact it made on New Jersey Social Services. What happened in Bruce Jackson's adopted home was the second such discovery that year and spurred change across the system. The same system that oversaw Advoserv. Was/Is that change better? I don't know enough to tell you. Perhaps our New Jersey readers will weigh in.

The purpose for its inclusion in this series of posts is the role played by Advoserv who became Bruce's caregiver after he was placed in one of their homes. What you are about to read lends to our story the fact that Advoserv personnel or the company itself denied Bruce's adopted brothers access to him. These young men considered Bruce their hero for freeing them of the hell in which they were living. Yet, the state and his care facility, pushed back to keep Bruce behind a veil and deny him the very family that the same agency had created for him when they repeatedly adopted sons to the Jackson parents.

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