I was out of the loop. Here's the low-down on the Delaware SEED Scholarship:
What is the SEED Scholarship?
The Delaware SEED (Student Excellence Equals Degree) scholarship program provides tuition for full time students enrolled in an associate's degree program at Delaware Technical & Community College (DTCC) or the Associate of Arts program at the University Of Delaware (UD). The program is for Delaware students who stay in school, work hard, and stay out of trouble.
Who is eligible?
Students graduating from Delaware high schools beginning in 2006 who have a GPA of 2.5 or higher and no felony convictions are eligible. More details on these eligibility requirements are available at the eligibility page.
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Who knew? Parents? Did you know that your child with a 2.5 GPA is guaranteed admittance to an associate's degree program and a full scholarship for their first year? In my defense, I am a parent of elementary age students, one of which may never see a diploma, due to Delaware's interpretation of NCLB. Wonder if a student with a Certificate of Performance can gain entry into an Associate's Program?
From Delaware's Race to the Top Application:
A(A)(3)(i) The State demonstrated significant achievement over the past several years in each of the four education reform areas
Under Standards and Assessments
A student that is on track with state assessments and standards is guaranteed access to a college education in Delaware. State high school graduation requirements are directly aligned with college entry standards at all public universities in Delaware. This ensures that every high school graduate has the skills and abilities necessary to succeed in college. Successful students are not only prepared for college, they are given the logistical and financial support to make college a reality. To support successful students, the State guarantees students with at least a 2.5 GPA admittance to a public university associates degree and a full scholarship for the first year of their higher education.
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