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Gary M. Wolfe is the president of the Milford Board of Education and an advocate for Public Education.
No new taxes says Markell January 29, 2010
Posted by Wolfe Gary in Delaware, Delaware Politics, Education.
When he finished delivering his State of the State Mr Markell made it known he did not introduce any new taxes. What he failed to tell you is the Dover does not want to have that on their necks, but the local school boards can have that on theirs! There was a line in his budget that read:
• Reduce funding for public school transportation to reflect reduction in fuel costs and projected new routes – $3,334.9
What is actually means is that the cost of transporting students to and from schools which was funded 100% from your state taxes will now be funded 75/25. That 25% districts will need to pickup can only be funded by most districts by raising local taxes! So the funds the state still will collect out of your taxes will pay for something besides student transportation, and now we will have to raise local taxes to cover buses! The worst part about this whole thing is that because of Equalization issues in the state poorer districts and communities will foot the biggest part of the bill again. Mr. Markell explain to the law abiding tax payers of this state why we pay higher taxes while those in our prison system get better health care then folks on the outside, and they eat free food while we work hard to put food on the table everyday?
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