The Gentleman Who Fell Before the Court
Milla Jovovich, singer, model, actress
From her 1st Album the Divine Comedy
Okay, I'll date myself. I was in high school when Milla released The Divine Comedy and I've always been partial to it. But, in true blogger style, let's play the Double Entente Game. I just like the song, but I know there are readers out there say, what's this song about? how does it apply to CSD, or the board? So, here's your chance for some creative conversation: Weave the best story you can and drop it in a comment!
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Double Entendre
There is no use pointing out that double entendre does not exist in French and that the proper [French] phrase for a double meaning, one of them usually indelicate, is double entente. - B. & C. Evans, A Dictionary of Contemporary American Usage
double entendre
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Where On Earth Does
Come From?
Main Entry: dou·ble en·ten·dre
Pronunciation: \ˈdüb-əl-äⁿ-ˈtäⁿd(-rə); ˈdə-bəl-än-ˈtänd(-rə)\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural double entendres \same also -ˈtäⁿz; -ˈtän-drəz\
Etymology: obsolete French, literally, double meaning
Date: 1673
1 : ambiguity of meaning arising from language that lends itself to more than one interpretation
2 : a word or expression capable of two interpretations with one usually risqué
dou•ble en•tente
Pronunciation: (dOO-blän tänt'), [key]
—pl. dou•bles en•tentesPronunciation: (dOO-blu zän-tänt'). [key] French.
a double meaning; ambiguity.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
Geeze really Anonymous, really. Hey, lets pick a fight over something REALLY stupid.
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