Dear Christina,
You already know that I am a strong proponent of local control governing education - that the voices of parents, teachers, and students should resonate loudest and longest when it comes to decision-making. You also know that I consider business interest in education an affront to Delaware's educational system. When I look around at the politics in play today and think back to my own election to the Christina School Board, there is one thing I am quite certain of - if I had been running against a Super PAC, I think I would have lost.
I could tell you how school board elections are supposed to be sacred, free of political persuasion, based upon issues and platforms and not political affiliation. (But, at least one among you will call me a communist, another a republican, and a third will point out that I am a registered democrat.)
I could say that I believe that those who seek to corrupt school board elections and protect corporate interest should be castigated, tarred, and feathered. (But, someone might actually wonder how a stay-at-home mom who has never attended Skip-sponsored indoctrination session could possibly have known what tarring and feathering is.)
I might even tell you about the good things that your elected school board has been doing for you...but all of those good things don't in sum equal out to the one pressing concern every parent has for their child - Will my child receive the best education possible? (Your also likely to hand me a giant postcard that asserts your school board is failing you.)
Tomorrow, Christina, you (and I) will have a choice to make. Will it be Steve Lee, Val Harris, or Shirley Saffer? To this I say:
It took years, but you balanced our board. A balanced board isn't always pretty. A balanced board asks uncomfortable questions and frequently disagrees. But, it is reflective of a diverse school district led by passionate educators and parents representing stakeholders from all walks of life.
Now, an outside agency funded by big business to protect their Race to the Top interest is courting our vote by funneling thousands of dollars into a dirty campaign. They are afraid that the parents we have elected will put their pay day at risk.
Tomorrow, when I go to the polls, I know I will say "no" to corporate greed. Will you join me in telling the business community that they do not supercede parents and teachers? They do not possess skill-sets that make them any wiser, smarter, or brighter than a loving mother, father, grandparent or guardian regardless of the degrees they hang on their walls and the credentials they have attained.
Christina, the balance is in your hands...
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