This statement is being released by Leah Davis, Kim Williams, and Eric Randolph. We are former Red Clay PTA leaders, a former Red Clay teacher, a parent of former Red Clay students, parents of current Red Clay students, and all three of us are current sitting members of the Red Clay School Board. This statement is not a statement from the Red Clay School District or is it a statement from the Red Clay School Board, we are speaking as individuals.
We are concerned for our school district and angered by a faceless organization called Voices 4 Delaware Education Action Fund who is spending what must be thousands of dollars on Delaware school board elections without disclosing whose voice they represent or the sources of their funding. How can we evaluate the interests of this group and their educational beliefs without knowing whose on their board of directors or the sources of their funding? Voices 4 Delaware Education Action Fund appears to be using loopholes in the tax code to shield their identity and activities. This nameless campaign tactic needs to stop. Transparency is needed. We are parents, former PTA leaders, former Red Clay teacher and school board members who are trying to make informed decisions for children. We try hard not to let that focus be misdirected by politics.This loophole in Delaware election law hopefully will be closed soon but it may be too late. The lasting impact to our school districts may be felt long after this election. With just five days before elections in Delaware's two largest school districts, we need answers now. We call upon this group to come out of the shadows and to be accountable for their position prior to the School Board election day on Tuesday, May 8th.
And if you haven't yet signed the separate but equally important petition - you should:
Elizabeth Scheinberg
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