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The $1,075 Word Problem

Combined total spent by two families on summer school at a local charter for credit recovery:



Kathy said...

I was wondering this very thing! Could it also be a reason to not identify special education students??????

It is just so corrupt....

Elizabeth Scheinberg said...

Kathy, I think in an unregulated system, it is very possible for corruption to fester unchecked.

Kathy said...

Yes, I learned the hard way how corrupt our DOE is a few years ago . This whole mess is not unusual in our state. We have some great teachers and kids, but a very spineless state DOE. It is so very sad.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, Why are the comments on your blog and Kilroys about summer credit recovery expenses being associated with a charter school in our area. Why isn't anyone saying Pencader is at least one of the schools that has been doing this. I sat in a board meeting last year in which Lewis was excitedly saying how much money the school was going to earn off of offering credit recovery.

Elizabeth Scheinberg said...


1. Why are comments at C&E1st about summer credit recovery expenses being associated with a charter school in our area? At C&E1st, we have received unrefutable evidence that a Delaware charter school charged parents and collected fees for summer credit recovery. This is not legal and I am assured it has been reported to the Charter Office for clarification.

2. Why isn't anyone saying Pencader is at least one of the schools that has been doing this? At C&E1st, we frequently discuss issues without naming names because it depersonalizes the conversation allowing for a more open discourse.

3. As for the board meeting you sat in on, I do believe I missed that, having never been really interested in attending board meetings beyond my responsibility to Christina. (However, my interest has since been pique'd, and my recent travels reflect it.)

So how much did Lewis indicate the school would earn? And which meeting by month year? Should be in the minutes...

Kathy said...

Scam, Scam, Scammer.

I can't imagine how many kids were intentionally failed (or at least not helped or given any grace time to get assignments turned in, etc.) so that another one of Lewis ponzi scheme could earn her more money to waste.

How many kids got disciplined at home because they failed, lost their self esteem, and/or had a miserable summer because of this mess? Also, how many parents suffered hardship because they had to pay this summer school bill???

It is just so sad. The depths of the corruption in this school just continue to fester and grow. It's a very, very sad time in our (Delaware) history that our state DOE and state government (ie. Markell, DOJ, etc.) does nothing to intervene.

Anonymous said...

The credit recovery summer school for a cost was introduced last summer. At least some discussion around it occurred in spring 2011. A certain number of seats were purchased. After a certain # of students enrolled, a break even point would be reached & then the school would be earning profit off of it. Lewis was happy that this would help the school financially.

Anonymous said...

From the Pencader July 2011 board meeting minutes

"Summer school concludes next week and it has been very successful. Summer school netted a profit of $3,900 this year. It is not a state supported program, so it must support itself. "

Jodi said...

The sound just heard all over Delaware just now was my jaw hitting the floor

Elizabeth Scheinberg said...


Summer School is funded from local monies. It also requires that a school budget its local dollars to support student need. It is not and cannot be a money-maker. Imagine the uproar if a district tried to charge for summer school???

Elizabeth Scheinberg said...

Oh, Jodi,

You didn't mention the tremors, but we felt them hear in Newark!

harrie ellen Minnehan said...

Should'nt parents be refunded for this summer and last? What about 2010? Any summer school the? Some took summer credit recovery online at a somewhat reduced cost but still out of pocket
. Can they be refunded too? I guess they should contact the school, right? Hmmm, wouldn't it be something if Bob Lewis was teaching online? I know he taught summer school in 2011... but as a volunteer! Yep that is what the board was told!

Jodi said...

Hahahahahahaha, Elizabeth! :)

Kathy said...

The corruption is so out of control!

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