I had soaring hopes for Sec. Murphy. Grounded.
Okay, so I get that DOE is having capacity issues - as in a flock of underlings have flown the coop since the Jack hatched Murph. It happens - moulting. What clucks, though, is what the cockerel does with the clipped wings still in the hen house.
Now, factor in Baby Race to the Top, Delaware's second RTTT victory. We've secured funding to develop more comprehensive intervention for Delaware's youngest learners - the Early Childhood segment. So, what's Murph do? He assigns even more duties and responsibilities to a critical secretary. There's a term for this in the poultry industry - Forced Moulting - and it's not pretty.
Murph gets an F in exceptional children. But, then what would you expect from a leader whose about to import an Louisiana D to lead Delaware's Turnaround Unit? (and if you don't what I'm talking about, you better get your Google On!)
Take the crown off, Murph, you're headed for educational caponization. Do I see a chicken saddle in your future? http://www.mypetchicken.com/catalog/chickens/Chicken-Saddle-Free-shipping-p764.aspx
Forced moulting, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moulting
Main article: Forced molting
In some countries, flocks of layer hens are force moulted to reinvigorate egg-laying. This usually involves complete withdrawal of their food (and sometimes water) for 7–14 days or up to 28 days under experimental conditions[7] which presumably reflect standard farming practice in some countries. This causes a body weight loss of 25 to 35%,[8] which stimulates the hen to lose her feathers, but also reinvigorates egg-production. Some flocks may be force moulted several times. In 2003, more than 75% of all flocks were moulted in the US.[9] Other methods of inducing a moult include low-density diets (e.g. grape pomace, cotton seed meal, alfalfa meal)[10] or dietary manipulation to create an imbalance of a particular nutrient(s). The most important among these include manipulation of minerals including sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), iodine (I) and zinc (Zn), with full or partially reduced dietary intakes.[11]
Good Lord, Eliabeth, we don't need another cryptic say nothing-but-hints around and says go google blogger - we already have Kilroy. If you have information to share, please share it. !! Please.
Perhaps the real issue is that the current Director for Exceptional Children wasn't that exceptional (why would DAP NOT make AYP for the first time in memory??) AND this less than exceptional director got even more on her plate - to affect even more students! What that appointment said to me was the talent pool of people wanting to work for DDOE is pretty shallow.
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