Our New State Democratic Chair?
4 hours ago
That is sort of unfair, to complain that only 2% of the Federal budget goes to Education. After all, education is a responsibility that, under our Constitution, has been delegated to the states and is under local control.
Also unfair, however, is leveraging that 2% of the federal budget — about 7% of education outlays overall — and forcing states to comply with unproven methods to transform our schools...
Good evening. The Pencader Board would to invite you to a Formal Review Workshop, February 6, 2013 at 6:00pm. We are holding a meeting in Newark at the Seasons Pizza-Bear on Pulaski Highway in their 2nd floor banquet room.
I have attached the agenda for the workshop and would greatly appreciate any input from students, parents and staff. We hope to see you there. Refreshments will be served.
Have a wonderful evening.
Judi Kennedy
MAHANOY CITY, Pa. — An eastern Pennsylvania high school says vandalism forced it to create a policy in which toilet paper has been taken out of the boys' bathrooms.
Boys at Mahanoy Area High School now must go to the school office to request toilet paper and sign it out. Principal Thomas Smith says that's helped solve a major problem of intentionally clogging toilets that's been going on for two years.
Smith says boys must sign out the toilet paper and then sign it back in. But the Republican-Herald of Pottsville reports some parents are protesting the policy.
Dear All,
On Thursday evening the Board voted to accept the resignation of Tami Koss, Interim Assiatant School Leader. Tami joined us in a temporary capacity and she has accepted a new, permanent postion at another school. Tami provided me with invaluable assistance during the past few months and I hope you will join me in thanking her for her service to the school and wishing her well in her new endeavor.
The Board has already received contacts from very qualified candidates for the position and we hope to have a repalcement named in the very near future.
Steven Quimby
School Leader
TELL (Teaching, Empowering, Leading and Learning) Delaware will be open to all school-based, licensed educators - including administrators. By Jan. 22, every school will receive a packet of letters that contains the individual seven-digit, anonymous access codes for educators in the school. These will be sent to each school's representative with the Delaware State Education Association (DSEA), the state's largest school employee union. For buildings without union representation, the packets will be sent to the principals. Principals and DSEA representatives then will distribute the letters randomly at a faculty meeting. appears that TELL Delaware has already spurred some IRE. Here's a grand 'ole C&E 1st WELCOME to YELL Delaware - a blog with a mission - to become a public repository of anonymous teacher comments, concerns, and needs. Not all that different than the DOE/DSEA venture - but seemingly much more transparent and accessible!
Seventh and 8th grade English-learners in selected urban schools will soon dive into some of the most celebrated speeches in U.S. history. They'll dissect, for example, Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream," and Robert F. Kennedy's "On the Death of Martin Luther King." Education Week
Called "Persuasion Across Time and Space," the five-lesson unit is the first major classroom resource produced by the Understanding Language team, a group of English-language-learner experts led by Kenji Hakuta, an education professor at Stanford University, to help educators grasp the central role of language in the rigorous Common Core State Standards and to give teachers resources for providing higher levels of instruction and demanding content to ELL students.
The efforts are underwritten by the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Seattle-based Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. (Carnegie and Gates help support coverage of business and innovation in Education Week.) Education Week
The Common Core effort has prompted concerns about the cost of implementing the new standards and assessments, especially in states that have historically spent very little on their tests. Unfortunately, there is little comprehensive up-to-date information on the costs of assessment systems currently in place throughout the country. This report seeks to fill this void by providing the most current, comprehensive evidence on state-level costs of assessment systems, based on new data gathered from state contracts with testing vendors.
We find that the 45 states from which we obtained data spend a combined $669 million per year on their primary assessment contracts, or $27 per pupil in grades 3-9, with six testing vendors accounting for 89 percent of this total.Supporting Data:
President | Frank McIntosh | |
Vice President | Dr. Dan Young | |
Secretary | Jay Anderson | |
Board Member | Frederick J. Dawson | |
Board Member | Daphane Davis | |
Board Member | Ann Terranova | |
Board Member | Jacalyn Beam | |
Board Member | Judi Kennedy | |
Treasurer | Rebecca Faber | |