By Elizabeth Scheinberg
That is sort of unfair, to complain that only 2% of the Federal budget goes to Education. After all, education is a responsibility that, under our Constitution, has been delegated to the states and is under local control.
Also unfair, however, is leveraging that 2% of the federal budget — about 7% of education outlays overall — and forcing states to comply with unproven methods to transform our schools...
By Elizabeth Scheinberg
Nominating District "A": Term expires June 30, 2015
George E. Evans - January 8, 2013
Nominating District "C": Term expires June 30, 2018
Frederick W. Polaski - January 25 2013
Nominating District "E": Term expires June 30, 2018
Elizabeth Scheinberg - January 8, 2013
One Seat: At-Large - Term expires June 30, 2018
Matthew A. Brown - January 17, 2013
Nominating District "A" - Term expires June 30, 2018.
Nominating District "B" - Term expires June 30, 2015.
Nominating District "C" - Term expires June 30, 2018.
Nominating District "A" - Term expires June 30, 2018
Nominating District "C" - Term expires June 30, 2018
LaVee T. McCrea - January 28, 2013
Red Clay
Nominating District "A" - Term expires June 30, 2018
Nominating District "D" - Term expires June 30, 2018
Nominating District "E" - Term expires June 30, 2014
By Elizabeth Scheinberg
From the Pencader Wire -
Seriously, the school has a budget problem, low enrollment, and is fighting for its life! So the Board of Directors decides to host a planning meeting and buy refreshments at the local Seasons Pizza? This has to be a joke! If not, is some of worse judgement calls I have ever seen.
WEDNESDAY, February 6, 2013
6:00 pm
Seriously, the school has a budget problem, low enrollment, and is fighting for its life! So the Board of Directors decides to host a planning meeting and buy refreshments at the local Seasons Pizza? This has to be a joke! If not, is some of worse judgement calls I have ever seen.
Good evening. The Pencader Board would to invite you to a Formal Review Workshop, February 6, 2013 at 6:00pm. We are holding a meeting in Newark at the Seasons Pizza-Bear on Pulaski Highway in their 2nd floor banquet room.
I have attached the agenda for the workshop and would greatly appreciate any input from students, parents and staff. We hope to see you there. Refreshments will be served.
Have a wonderful evening.
Judi Kennedy
Floor Banquet Room, 1460
Pulaski Highway , Newark , DE 19702
Call to order
Discussion of Formal Review
Data Collection - who’s in charge of
what and how to contact them
Plan for Public Hearing
Speaking strategies
Students, Staff & Parents-Designate a person to organize
Other strategies before hearing
Allotting time for Frank McIntosh to speak longer (if the meeting
date is changed)
Getting outside speakers, particularly with influence
Alternative strategies to physically showing up - letters, email,
calls, etc.
Who will do what between now and the meeting
By Elizabeth Scheinberg
From the NJ:
Toilet Paper??? Some PROTESTING PARENTS need to pack a roll or two in their kids backpack!
Maybe it's not the kids - maybe it's defective toilet paper??? Never heard of defective toilet paper? Well, the University of Colorado has. They are suing a toilet paper manufacturer.
MAHANOY CITY, Pa. — An eastern Pennsylvania high school says vandalism forced it to create a policy in which toilet paper has been taken out of the boys' bathrooms.
Boys at Mahanoy Area High School now must go to the school office to request toilet paper and sign it out. Principal Thomas Smith says that's helped solve a major problem of intentionally clogging toilets that's been going on for two years.
Smith says boys must sign out the toilet paper and then sign it back in. But the Republican-Herald of Pottsville reports some parents are protesting the policy.
Toilet Paper??? Some PROTESTING PARENTS need to pack a roll or two in their kids backpack!
Maybe it's not the kids - maybe it's defective toilet paper??? Never heard of defective toilet paper? Well, the University of Colorado has. They are suing a toilet paper manufacturer.
By Elizabeth Scheinberg
When quietly crept into the blogosphere last week, I wondered how effective it would be - an anonymous blog created to rival the DOE/DSEA TELL Delaware survey.
Apparently the blogger wasn't that far off... Comments are starting to pick up steam.
These two struck me as quite poignant:
Apparently the blogger wasn't that far off... Comments are starting to pick up steam.
These two struck me as quite poignant:
- I see the turnout rate is low. Not really a surprise with the DOE and DSEA collaborating with Rodel, trust factor is at an all time low. I am actively telling my building to NOT take it. They will find you.
- Wow, how can any teacher, after taking the TELL survey not think anything other than we are going to be ignored again! I closed out of it halfway through. My union rep knows the truth and that will just have to be good enough for me. No way I’m letting my principal know to her face, that would be instant retaliation and I know for sure the DOE not only cannot help, they do not care
By Elizabeth Scheinberg
via the Pencader Wire:
Dear All,
On Thursday evening the Board voted to accept the resignation of Tami Koss, Interim Assiatant School Leader. Tami joined us in a temporary capacity and she has accepted a new, permanent postion at another school. Tami provided me with invaluable assistance during the past few months and I hope you will join me in thanking her for her service to the school and wishing her well in her new endeavor.
The Board has already received contacts from very qualified candidates for the position and we hope to have a repalcement named in the very near future.
Steven Quimby
School Leader
By Elizabeth Scheinberg
Delaware's teachers have started responding on the YELL Delaware blog - a forum that rivals the DOE/DSEA TELL survey project funded by RTTT. YELL invites readers to be unabashedly honest in sharing the needs respondents have identified as helpful to creating successful educational outcomes in the classroom.
So, Teachers, after you complete your TELL survey, take a gander at the YELL blog and make your NEEDS known to the public!
YELL Delaware Comment Rescues:
Delaware's teachers have started responding on the YELL Delaware blog - a forum that rivals the DOE/DSEA TELL survey project funded by RTTT. YELL invites readers to be unabashedly honest in sharing the needs respondents have identified as helpful to creating successful educational outcomes in the classroom.
So, Teachers, after you complete your TELL survey, take a gander at the YELL blog and make your NEEDS known to the public!
YELL Delaware Comment Rescues:
- Our principal is great, he helps us with the parents and defends us when we do the right thing for kids.The kids are a challenge in our school and trying to use Common Core not always the best way to deliver curriculum. The lessons are stale and scripted. Mr. Bedford gives us freedom to craft better plans, so for now everything is OK.
I also did my survey today online for the state. It was not very pertinent to my duties. - I like my PLC on the off weeks from the data coach. I think we get to help kids more when it’s just us teachers doing the planning. the data coach asks us to review old data for things we have already completed with the kids. Usually, it’s a waste of our time.
- We learned a long time ago to be self sufficient. That TELL Delaware survey isn’t going to help us, no matter what the DSEA or the DOE say.
By Elizabeth Scheinberg
TELL (Teaching, Empowering, Leading and Learning) Delaware will be open to all school-based, licensed educators - including administrators. By Jan. 22, every school will receive a packet of letters that contains the individual seven-digit, anonymous access codes for educators in the school. These will be sent to each school's representative with the Delaware State Education Association (DSEA), the state's largest school employee union. For buildings without union representation, the packets will be sent to the principals. Principals and DSEA representatives then will distribute the letters randomly at a faculty meeting. appears that TELL Delaware has already spurred some IRE. Here's a grand 'ole C&E 1st WELCOME to YELL Delaware - a blog with a mission - to become a public repository of anonymous teacher comments, concerns, and needs. Not all that different than the DOE/DSEA venture - but seemingly much more transparent and accessible!
So, let's put some support behind YELL Delaware - get the address out to all teachers so that they can finally say what's really on their mind to a truly captive and listening audience -
By Elizabeth Scheinberg
Seventh and 8th grade English-learners in selected urban schools will soon dive into some of the most celebrated speeches in U.S. history. They'll dissect, for example, Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream," and Robert F. Kennedy's "On the Death of Martin Luther King." Education Week
Called "Persuasion Across Time and Space," the five-lesson unit is the first major classroom resource produced by the Understanding Language team, a group of English-language-learner experts led by Kenji Hakuta, an education professor at Stanford University, to help educators grasp the central role of language in the rigorous Common Core State Standards and to give teachers resources for providing higher levels of instruction and demanding content to ELL students.
The efforts are underwritten by the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Seattle-based Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. (Carnegie and Gates help support coverage of business and innovation in Education Week.) Education Week
By Elizabeth Scheinberg
Well, it was fun while it lasted... Sometime in the last 24 hours the Lone Wolf, whomever he/she/it was, has faded into the blogosphere and taken
If you're looking for the attribution - click the pic!
The Challenge has been solved!
You can watch it all unfold here:
The SOS graphic originated in Louisiana in 2009. Fast forward four years and in 2013, some enterprising person "borrowed" the graphic to illustrate Pencader Charter School's efforts to remain open in the face yet another closure recommendation from the Delaware Charter School Accountability Committee.
When I first looked at the graphic, I searched for and found it had nothing to do with Pencader. I assumed there was an error in the address b/c the word "schools" was plural and of course Pencader as an LEA is only one school. I corrected the address and searched for, changing the plural "schools" to the singular "school."
I landed in a blog called "Transparency for Delaware's Public/Charter Schools a MUST" by a blogger identified as Lone Wolf.
I was struck by the irony that a representative of Delaware's only public/charter Business school had "borrowed" a graphic to illustrate the school's predicament. Surely, someone at Pencader has the business and marketing acumen to create their own image. I guess not.
Tell me again why this school should remain open?
Or Jump to the end of the journey and land here:
The only question left to be answered: Who is Lone Wolf?
By Elizabeth Scheinberg

All right, super-sleuthers, it's time for another challenge:
Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to find the story behind this graphic.
Winner gets a cookie!
Update: TC tracked the hijacked graphic to PCHS and from there to Louisiana. But, that was easy. Now work forward - Put on your thinking cap (remember those?) Solve the challenge.
Clue: ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
By Elizabeth Scheinberg
November, 2012
The Brown Center on Education Policy at Brookings releases a study, Strength in Numbers, State Spending on K-12 Assessment Systems by Matthew M. Chingos.
The Premise:
Key Findings:
Christina School District allocates $10 per student to Supplemental Arts Support for an approx. expenditure of $150,000 targeted to the arts in our schools.
We dedicated $250,000 to middle school sports in our final 2012-13 budget which equates to an approx. expenditure of $65 per student in middle school.
And the DE Dept. of Education spent $73 per student on DCAS.
Go read the Brookings report:
And then let's watch and see if our DOE implements their suggestions. Delaware has a higher cost per student on assessment spending b/c we have fewer students than the larger states. NY only spend $7 per student. Common Core is the driver for the currents expenditures, and large expenditures are expected as they are implemented and assessment are aligned. Will DE contract AIR, again? Or will we join a buying consortium?
Of course, we could just break the mold and throw the damn tests out the window and put our teachers back to doing what they were trained to do - TEACH! And I bet if we adopted a portfolio approach to assessing all of our students, we find they know so much more than the tests give credit.
What do I know. I'm just a mom.
The Brown Center on Education Policy at Brookings releases a study, Strength in Numbers, State Spending on K-12 Assessment Systems by Matthew M. Chingos.
The Premise:
The Common Core effort has prompted concerns about the cost of implementing the new standards and assessments, especially in states that have historically spent very little on their tests. Unfortunately, there is little comprehensive up-to-date information on the costs of assessment systems currently in place throughout the country. This report seeks to fill this void by providing the most current, comprehensive evidence on state-level costs of assessment systems, based on new data gathered from state contracts with testing vendors.
Key Findings:
We find that the 45 states from which we obtained data spend a combined $669 million per year on their primary assessment contracts, or $27 per pupil in grades 3-9, with six testing vendors accounting for 89 percent of this total.Supporting Data:
- The cost of standardized testing for grades 3 - 9 in the 45 jurisdictions studied averages out to $65 per student.
- In 2001, The Pew Center found that Delaware led the pack with assessment spending at $44 per student. (p.4)
- Today, Delaware ranks 4th behind D.C., Hawaii, and Alaska at $73/student.
- In 2012, Delaware spent just over $5 million to test $70,000 students.
- Delaware's contracted test-maker, ARI, has a 9 % market share.
Christina School District allocates $10 per student to Supplemental Arts Support for an approx. expenditure of $150,000 targeted to the arts in our schools.
We dedicated $250,000 to middle school sports in our final 2012-13 budget which equates to an approx. expenditure of $65 per student in middle school.
And the DE Dept. of Education spent $73 per student on DCAS.
Go read the Brookings report:
And then let's watch and see if our DOE implements their suggestions. Delaware has a higher cost per student on assessment spending b/c we have fewer students than the larger states. NY only spend $7 per student. Common Core is the driver for the currents expenditures, and large expenditures are expected as they are implemented and assessment are aligned. Will DE contract AIR, again? Or will we join a buying consortium?
Of course, we could just break the mold and throw the damn tests out the window and put our teachers back to doing what they were trained to do - TEACH! And I bet if we adopted a portfolio approach to assessing all of our students, we find they know so much more than the tests give credit.
What do I know. I'm just a mom.
By Elizabeth Scheinberg
Here they are, folks:
(Gov. Markell's statements are in red.)
Here's the link to his speech:
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a wrap!
(Gov. Markell's statements are in red.)
Here's the link to his speech:
- New admission requirements for those looking to enter the teaching field.
- "Teaching is a demanding profession, and our admissions requirements for teacher preparation programs should reflect this. Secretary Murphy will be working with our universities to strengthen the standards for entry into the teaching profession." J.M.
- Creation of a rigorous exit assessment for new teachers before entering the field.
- "We also need a rigorous exit assessment for our preparation programs, which includes demonstration of content knowledge as well as teaching skills." J.M.
- Formally create, fund, and implement Teacher Leader roles to allow good teachers to continue to move up the career ladder while remaining in the classroom (as opposed to the current system of advancement that moves teachers from the classroom to administration.)
- " Teachers like John should be formally recognized as Teacher Leaders – role models in their schools who have demonstrated their abilities, are ready to help other teachers, and earn more for putting their experience to work in the classroom. I ask that the General Assembly work with me to formally create this role, with the prestige and compensation it deserves." J.M.
- Restructure the teacher pay system
- "I ask that the General Assembly work with me to re-examine that pay structure so we can incentivize teaching in high-need schools and critical subjects, raise starting teacher pay, and reward teacher leadership." J.M.
- Common application for charter and choice
- "I propose that we create a best-in-class information system on Delaware’s schools that provides a clear picture of the different strengths in each school. I also propose that we give parents the option of a common application to make it easier to apply to multiple schools." J.M.
- Enhance the system of lifelong learning necessary to achieve and maintain employment. This one is target to the current and upcoming workforce.
- "Once workers have completed the training they need to fill in-demand jobs, we should make sure that employers know it, by providing these workers with a Career Readiness Certificate that employers respect and trust." J.M.
- Shorten the timeline from five years to two for the implementation of school safety plans per the 2012 Omnibus School Safety Act.
- "I ask the General Assembly to work with me so that every Delaware school has an up-to-date school safety plan within two years." J.M.
- Increase mental health personnel in middle schools.
- " I ask the General Assembly to address this need. I propose a ten-fold increase in the number of trained, front line mental health personnel in our middle schools." J.M.
- Enroll 24 Delaware drop-outs in a residential National Guard Program in concert with Maryland to lead them back to the degree track.
- " Through education and mentoring from Guard members, the program targets young people who can get back on a path to a degree and a rewarding life and career. And because Maryland has all of the necessary facilities and because the Department of Defense picks up 75 percent of the cost, this is a very cost-effective way to serve these young people." J.M.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a wrap!
By Elizabeth Scheinberg
I received a second email from Mr. McIntosh this afternoon:
Ms. Scheinbern,
I want to amend by response to you regarding Judi Kennedy. I now have confirmation from the individual who processes our payroll and can give you a definitive answer that Ms. Kennedy is not an employee of the high school nor is she receiving any sort of compensation from the high school.
I hope this clears up the matter fully for you.
Have a nice weekend,
Frank McIntosh
Let's dispel the myth: Over the last couple weeks there have been rumors circulating that Pencader board member Judi Kennedy has been working in the school cafeteria. Mr. McIntosh has confirmed that Ms. Kennedy's involvement is that of a dedicated volunteer. There's no dog and pony show here to see. No potential conflicts of interest. No wrongdoing. Politics aside, Ms. Kennedy should be commended for dedicating so many hours to the school she supports.
Note: It is not uncommon for false rumors to be spun in many directions. It was a practice that was utilized this summer to taunt the various bloggers who were following the Pencader saga. At every turn, ethical bloggers, like the main stream media, attempt to check the veracity of the information given to them. When the validity of an item cannot be confirmed, but the pieces of the puzzle fit, it is not uncommon for bloggers to disclose a rumor to spur conversation or to flesh out more information. You will note that bloggers usually disclose when a rumor is a rumor. For those who still think it's fun to play games with the bloggers, please know that we are fact checking your information. And if that means going to the president of the Pencader BOD, the DOE, or the AG, we will.
Ms. Scheinberg,
Mrs. Kennedy is a dedicated volunteer at Pencader HS. She gives countless hours of her time to improve the climate of the school and is a strong parent advocate. I am not aware of any compensation from Pencader that she receives. BTW, I am changing my published e-mail address away from my business e-mail. The volume of mail is overwhelming my business interests. My new e-mail address
Managing Director & COO
Jefferson Awards for Public
QUESTION OF THE DAY: Terranova and Anderson are Pencader employees representing the teaching staff in accordance with the bylaws as is evidenced by their Pencader email addresses. Is Kennedy now a Pencader employee, too?
Note: I have posed this question to BOD President McIntosh via his unique user email. I will provide the answer when I receive it.
President | Frank McIntosh | |
Vice President | Dr. Dan Young | |
Secretary | Jay Anderson | |
Board Member | Frederick J. Dawson | |
Board Member | Daphane Davis | |
Board Member | Ann Terranova | |
Board Member | Jacalyn Beam | |
Board Member | Judi Kennedy | |
Treasurer | Rebecca Faber | |
By Elizabeth Scheinberg
Alexis Wineman, the first Miss America Contestant with autism! And an inspiration to many!
Sorry, Miss Delaware, state pride wishes you well in the competition, but my heart belongs to Miss Montana! You have until midnight to help Miss Montana spread her message of Autism Awareness.
By Elizabeth Scheinberg Broke this story down-state story. uploaded an article this afternoon.
Questions? uploaded an article this afternoon.
- Who ordered the signs?
- Who translated them?
- Who installed them?
- Who paid for them?
- And from where did those funds come?
- Have any complaints been registered in the year + since these signs were installed?
- And from whom were spanish-speaking park-goers supposed to seek permission?
By Elizabeth Scheinberg
Thank you to Margaret McKay and the League of Women Voters for your dedication to open government!
Thank you to Margaret McKay and the League of Women Voters for your dedication to open government!
By Elizabeth Scheinberg
By Elizabeth Scheinberg
Happy New Year!
Enjoy the baked Brie with your mummers, hummers, and fiscal cliff.
Enjoy the baked Brie with your mummers, hummers, and fiscal cliff.
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