What are your priorities for the distribution of state and local monies in the district?
As a tax-payer, I feel that it’s critical to acknowledge and respect that hard-earned money, paid as school taxes in good faith, must be utilized efficiently and effectively. It is irresponsible and disrespectful to waste tax-payer money by misappropriation. These funds are earmarked for education, not exorbitant administrative management expenses.
I have two main priorities for funding:
1. Professional development for all educators.
2. Fair Compensation. We cannot undo economic conditions, but we can re-evaluate our method for compensating our educators. It’s my understanding that some of the funding for our teachers to continue their education and seek accreditations has been eliminated. Our students will not succeed if we do not continue to provide opportunities for enrichment for our teachers/paras/specialists. We need to examine methods to reinstate that funding and explore other ways to compensate teachers. I fully support higher pay for those teachers who successfully take on our more challenging students and those whose students make acceptable academic progress as evidenced in student assessments. We also need to evaluate how we compensate those teachers who serve as advisors to academic clubs and projects, who provide students with additional academic time such as after-school tutoring, and those who find other ways to go above and beyond their job description.