To Our Members and Friends in the Disability Community,
Lt. Governor Matt Denn has been in touch with us about HB 119, as has Rep. Terry Schooley and some others. All are assuring us that they will work with us to address our concerns about HB 119 and that the intent is to help kids with disabilities.
The Lt. Governor will be meeting with members of the DD Council, the Governor's Advisory Council on Exceptional Children, and the State Council on Persons with Disabilities on Monday. Rep. Schooley is calling a meeting in early May as well.
Thanks to all of you who have called and e-mailed your legislators. It is making a difference. We will keep you advised as our discussions progress.
Theda M. Ellis, MBA, M.Ed.
Executive Director
Autism Delaware
924 Old Harmony Road, Suite 201
Newark, DE 19713
Telephone (302) 224-6020
Fax (302) 224-6017