Check out the News Journal Editorial:
While the News Journal Editorial brings education reform into new light, questioning the assurances required and pondering what other promises the federal government will bury in legislative language, it fails to ask one very important question: What are our School Districts doing TODAY to prepare for this desperately needed funding?
When the money is released, chances are, like the E.S. monies for transportation and highway projects, the turn-around window will be 24-72 hours. That's one to three days to present the plan, cross your Ts and dot your Is. Will our school district be ready to respond? Have we begun planning for this money and where and how we are going to spend it? Have we researched best practices, emerging best practices, and studied the results of those states/districts who are succeeding in education? Have we identified which populations of students who need it most? And are we relying on data from DSTPs, our outdated and ineffective testing program to show accountability? Is the district preparing to hold public forums both before the money is released and after for parent and tax payer input? Or, will our ability to obtain these monies be again shrouded in rubber stamping and closed door executive sessions?
Does the CSD have a plan? And will the tax payers, parents, teachers, and other stakeholders be privy to it? What do you think?