Evelyn Keating, Education Associate,
DE Stars & Workforce Compensation, Race to the Top, Office of Early
Learning, effective September 4, 2012.
Brandi Miller, Education Associate,
Kindergarten Readiness, Race to the Top, Office of Early Learning, effective
August 27, 2012.
Keith Sanders, Chief Officer, School
Turnaround Unit, Race to the Top Management Office, effective October 7,
Angeline Willen, Director, Teacher
& Administrator Quality Development Workgroup, College and Workforce
Readiness Branch, effective September 10, 2012.
Mary Ann Mieczkowski, Acting
Associate Secretary, Teaching and Learning Branch, effective September 1,
Susan Keene Haberstroh, Acting
Associate Secretary, College and Workforce Readiness Branch, effective August
20, 2012.
Linda Rogers, Associate Secretary,
Teaching and Learning Branch, retirement effective August 31, 2012.
Michael Stetter, Director,
Accountability Resources, Teaching and Learning Branch, retirement effective
October 31, 2012.
Nelson Molina, Field Agent, Spanish
Language Immersion, Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development
Workgroup, Teaching and Learning Branch, resignation effective September 4,
Gregory Fulkerson, Education
Associate, Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development Workgroup,
Teaching and Learning Branch, resignation effective September 21,
Daniel Cruce, Deputy Secretary of
Education, Office of the Secretary, resignation effective September 21,
Diane Sullenberger, Administrative
Secretary II, Office of the Associate Secretary, Teaching and Learning Branch,
retirement effective September 30, 2012.