Really, News Journal? That expression says pain to you? I'm blown away. Your story is about the loss of $17 million in federal funding to the State of Delaware that is expected to strip $4.1 million from our state's neediest students - those "living in poor areas and receiving special education services."
And the Journal runs a pic of a smiling Anas Ben Addi with the headline "Delaware Awaits Its Share of Pain."
Stay Classy, Journal! If I were Ben Addi, I'd be serious pissed of at you!
Has C&E 1st bought into the big Arne Duncan/Jack Markell lie machine and scare tactics re sequester that is: "expected to strip $4.1 million from our state's neediest students - those "living in poor areas and receiving special education services."
They will never take money from kids, it's Governor Markell's primary gubernatorial focus. If he does, he's a sellout to himself and all the pols and board members and leaders warning us about these cuts using scare tactics like these are irresponsible about our nation and its fiscal health.
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