United States Senator
Tom Carper was elected to the United States Senate in 2000 after serving two terms as Delaware’s Governor, five terms as its Congressman in the U. S. House of Representatives, and six years as State Treasurer. During more than 25 years of public service, Senator Carper has earned the distinction of being an effective and nonpartisan leader skilled in finding practical solutions to real problems. The first bill he signed as Senator, the “Empowering Parents Act,” was signed into law by President George W. Bush as part of the Leave No Child Behind Act of 2001. The centrist Democratic Leadership Council has named him its Chairman for New Democrat Best Practices, and he has been appointed co-chair of the New Democrat Caucus in the Senate. As Governor of the First State, he gained national recognition for achieving real education reform by creating rigorous public education standards; instituting optional parent training programs; fully funding Head Start and other early intervention projects; demanding accountability from students, parents and teachers; and ending social promotion. Senator Carper attended Ohio State University as a Navy ROTC midshipman, graduating in 1968 with a bachelor’s degree in economics. He received his MBA from the University of Delaware. He completed five years of service as a Naval flight officer, serving in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War, and retired with the rank of Captain after 18 years in the Naval Reserve.
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Carper still brags how "he" reformed Delaware's public schools.
Markell use to be on Rodel's advisory board but jumped off after he announced he was running for governor
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