Brader Elementary School, as a participant in the healthy school initiatives, has an established gardening program that brings students together to cultivate healthy foods that they can then enjoy. Brader is a part of a replication project already successful at many elementary schools across Delaware.
However, Brader Elementary wants to go one-step further. This wonderful school community wants to expand to include a wheelchair accessible gardens. I am excited when I see local school leadership and student communities who show their support and connection to our very special students! The Brader Community values special children!
Please join me and harvesting funding for this awesome cause! Our family has already committed our donation. And you can to! (And if you can't donate, you can help by sharing this message through your blog or social network!)
Let's show Brader that we all value special children and the school's commitment to engaging all kids in all school programs! Brader's students have already set the example. As a community of Delawareans, let's commit to the funds to build this garden! Brader needs $2,500 by February 28, 2013. Here's how you can help:
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