5 school districts, 9 charters join Delaware Talent Cooperative, www.doe.k12.de.us/news/2013/0225.shtml
Release Date: Feb 25, 2013 9:40 AM ShareThis
The Delaware Department of Education
announced today that five school districts and nine charter schools have
confirmed their participation in the Delaware Talent Cooperative. In
addition to Capital School District and Laurel School District, two
districts that participated last year, Brandywine School District, New
Castle County Vo-Tech School District and Seaford School District also
will participate in the initiative, which offers state-sponsored
retention awards and recruitment incentives for educators in their
highest-need schools. Additionally, nine eligible charter schools have
confirmed their participation in the initiative.
The following 18 schools have committed to participating: Brandywine
School District’s Harlan Elementary; Capital School District’s South
Dover, Towne Point and East Dover elementary schools and Dover High;
Laurel School District’s Laurel Middle; Seaford School District’s West
Seaford and Blades elementary schools; New Castle County Vo-Tech School
District’s Howard High School of Technology; and charter schools
Positive Outcomes, Thomas Edison, EastSide, Prestige, Academy of Dover,
Delaware College Preparatory Academy, Kuumba Academy, Moyer and Reach.
“When we brought this opportunity to our
educators at Harlan, they discussed what it would mean for them and for
the school's culture,” said Mark Holodick, superintendent of the
Brandywine School District, "Ultimately, their voice in this
decision-making process was the most important voice.
“It was important to us that educators had all
of the details of the program and heard directly from state officials
who we invited to the building faculty meeting. The Harlan school
community is a tight-knit group with a rich history, and retaining our
educators who contribute to student development and outcomes is
certainly a high-priority for us as a district,” he said.
The state has extended the deadline for several
school districts to respond regarding their participation since their
December invitation. The Indian River School District will make a final
decision this week, and the Christina School District's invitation to
join the Delaware Talent Cooperative remains open given their local
commitment to participate as part of their district Race to the Top
(RTTT) plan.
The Delaware Department of Education notified districts and charters of their eligible schools, each of which has at least 100 students, based upon the following criteria:
·A school’s inclusion in the state’s Partnership Zone
· A school’s appearance in the “Top 15 schools” in at least two of the
following three categories: highest percentages of minority students,
highest percentages of students from low-income backgrounds (students on
free- and reduced-price lunches), and highest percentages of English
language learners.
· In addition, schools could be eligible if they have at least 75
percent of their students in any of the three above categories.
Funded with part of the state’s federal RTTT grant, the Delaware Talent
Cooperative features two program arms: the Talent Retention Program,
which provides financial awards and leadership opportunities to
highly-effective educators who continue to work in participating
schools, and the Talent Attraction Program, which seeks to attract
select, top-performing educators to the participating schools. The
initiative also provides opportunities for additional support for
participating schools. Each building can apply to receive a one-time
grant of up to $10,000 for school-wide improvement efforts.
The Retention Program, one arm of the Cooperative, launched last year
with 28 distinguished educators earning a $10,000 retention incentive
from the state for committing to teach in their respective schools for
at least two more years. This year’s program is open to highly-effective
educators across all grades and subjects who work in a participating
A website, www.DEtalentcoop.org,
includes more information, including the application for the Attraction
Program that educators in non-participating schools can access. There
is no application for the Retention Program, as invitations will be sent
to those who qualify.
Delaware's Department of Education is committed to promoting the highest quality education
for every Delaware student by providing visionary leadership and superior service.
What exactly is the requirement for districts? I thought they had to either join the TC or offer an alternate plan. If only 5 districts are participating, does that mean 14 have alternate plans approved?
I contacted DOE and got nothing but riddles in reply. I apparently will have to read 19 district plans which may or may not have the answers.
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