Stolen from outside churches on Mother's Day!
Real Nice ...
I know Red Clay has been having a problem with signs. However, I thought we, in CSD, were running a slightly more civilized race. The thefts are an effort on behalf of supporters of the other candidates to prevent the public from being thoroughly educated come Tuesday.
However, it's less reflective on me, than it is on the other candidates. The Young & Scheinberg message has been getting out, through door-to-door visits, and campaigning by both candidates and volunteers. We've made our campaigns available to the online community, to civic groups, special populations, PTAs, and our community at-large.
In the last 18 months, I've attend 13 or more Public Board Meetings, in addition to Strategic Planning Meetings, Special Sessions, PTA meetings and public forums for both the Statewide Director at the DAP and the CSD Superintendent search. I've sat in on student IEPs at parents requests as both parent support and parent advocate. Both John and I have worked hard on behalf of special education students to record policies that the CSD utilizes but had never written down.
I've spoken at length with the Director of Elementary Curriculum on behalf of general education students and their parents regarding Gifted and Talented programming also known as Talent Development.
I've interfaced with legislators regarding HB 117 and 119, House Bills that will change the way education is delivered in Delaware.
The CSD is ripe for change. It's the will of the parents and our educators.
In the immortal words of so many young writers who have passed through the hallowed walls at the University of Delaware's student paper, the Review : The Revolution will not be televised, It will be Live."
Karma is a bitch they say......
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