There are three bills currently in the legislature waiting to become law and usher in the early phases of education reform.
HB 119 will provide "Citizen oversight and transparency in finances, while giving more local decision making power." (Statement from the Office of the Lt. Gov.) However, 119 is stalled in the House because certain portions of the bill call for waivers and reductions in special education. Rep. Schooley, primary sponsor, promises revisions are coming.
SB 67 provides greater compensation for teachers by paying "the state's highest performing teachers a comparatively higher salary, and those high-performing teachers in high-risk schools at the state's highest level." (Statement from Office of Lt. Gov.) However, this portion of the Markell/Denn Education Reform Plan would not go into effect until our current state budget situation improves and initially may be a pilot program.
We need constituent pressure in Dover. Our teachers deserve the passage of SB 67. Generally, Delaware pays its teachers less than the nearby states of Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. If the 8% pay cut for state employees passes in Dover, we risk loosing our highly qualified teachers to other states.
This week our teachers are holding Bell-to-Bell walk-outs. They are only working during their contract hours, not staying late to grade or plan lessons. The purpose is to emphasize how many unpaid hours our teachers already put into our children's education. And they deserve the recognition! I've said it before and I'll say it again: We cannot balance the state's budget woes on the backs of the education community.
Okay, back to the bills...
The last bill hanging out in Dover is SB 68, the elimination and replacement of DTSPs. Now, I attended Sec. of Education, Dr. Lowery's presentation last night at Glasgow High School and I have some info to share about the intentions of the new test.
Check back later today for my recap of the meeting. In the meantime, call/email your legislators and ask them to get moving on these education reform bills. We need the revisions done that are necessary and the bills to get movin' because July 1st, it's all over.
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